Monday, September 5, 2016

 Dave Slesinger's Accomplishments in the Truth Movement 410-499-5403

 I made this document because Mike Cook actually has accused me of being a police agent, when he was involved with treating the founder of the 911truth legal team viciously before she committed suicide. I also am the person who put Tony Szamboti’s 25 point critique of NIST in the hands of Mike’s member of Congress.

 Not always sure of each entry’s correct year, so many sections cover one topic over more than one year. Some items that occurred later will be listed earlier and vice versa.

 If anyone thinks they have contributed more than I have to 911truth outreach, I would LOVE to hear from you.
Put stacks of leaflets calling for an investigation of 9/11 at Mom and Pop stores near Andrews AFB in August of 2002

Leafletted outside Andrews AFB in August 2002 until a police officer ordered me to stop after ONE minute.  I was standing on a median, not the actual street, leafletting cars waiting to turn left into the AFB. He couldn't even tell me which law I was breaking. I would have let him arrest me but I was too new to the DC area and had no support network. I told this story to Amy Goodman soon after, before realizing there was such a thing as left gatekeepers.  I told her,” They couldn’t scramble any planes that day in 2 hours, but they could get a police officer to tell me to stop leafletting within ONE MINUTE.”

Attended a national muslim conference in Baltimore in 2002. Met a 9/11 family member, David Portorti, a member of Peaceful Tomorrows, who I later visited in North Carolina and asked which person is closest to the other family members. He said Kyle Hence.

 Hitchhiked to New Haven to see Michael Rupert give an address at a church. I was sure  he wouldn’t live long and wanted to see him speak before they killed him. The last ride I got was from an off duty police officer, an unusual coincidence because Rupert had been a police officer. Confirmed with him what I considered the most notable piece of evidence, that John Ashcroft had stopped flying commercial 7 weeks before 9/11. This was curious because the  previous AG, Democrat Janet Reno, had flown commercial ALL 8 YEARS of her term.  Reno had upset MANY people with the deaths at OKC, Waco, and Ruby Ridge. My research had really taken off with reading extensive writings by a person who used the moniker Malcontent X. Anyone know who that is?

 Attended the Kean Commission hearing at Drew University 2003 where I met Kyle Hence, Peter Lance, Mindy Kleinberg, and Nico Haupt. Got into press conference and was allowed to ask the question,” Were there really no airplanes to scramble that morning at Andrews AFB?” They said that would be addressed at a subsequent hearing. After that question, subsequent press conferences made sure only working press had access. Nick Levis was up front and told me later,” You should have seen the look on Kean and Hamilton's faces.”

 Met Les Jamieson and Gabriel Day at an antiwar rally. Told them,“9/11 is where it’s at.”

Assisted Kyle Hence during his efforts to monitor the Kean Commission and attended a further Kean Commission hearing in DC. Made friends with Kyle's associate John Judge. Met 
Catherine Austin Fitts.

 Leafletted over 1500 leaflets at the rally for the Iraq war held on the national mall organized by Rumsfeld. The leaflet led the pro war attendees to look at the complete911timeline and listed a couple dozen daily, weekly and monthly conservative publications which had citations included in the complete911timeline. The complete 911 timeline lists thousands of citations,  national and international, no blogs. On another year, I think 2009, I tried to sell the paperback version of the timeline called Terror Timeline from a card table just outside the NYT entrance for employees near Times Sq. and was forced away within 5 minutes. I told NYT security that I would call if I decided to come back and get arrested another day.

Gave out 55,000 deception dollars mainly in DC, but also traveled the US in 2004 following Michael Moore on tour at 18 venues in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Pennsylvania, Michigan.. Gave  out 2000 Deception Dollars as Rosa Parks lay in state in the US Capitol.  i used to say as I handed out that greatest of all leaflets,” The government is lying about 9/11.” One young man in DC responded,” That’s their job, as if a parent of his did that type of flacking work.

 The most exciting example of deception dollar distribution was in San Marcos, California at a race track just north of San Diego.  being a private race track, they wouldn’t even let the Democratic Party set up a table, much less me.  I put 1500 deception dollars in my coat pockets. The security checkers were looking for bottles, not leaflets. Michael Moore appears to have a procrastination problem and arrived 45 minutes late.  As I entered the grandstand I began to holler,” THE PRESIDENT IS A TRAITOR! THE PRESIDENT IS A TRAITOR!” Huge swarms of people , several dozen at a time besieged me for  deception dollars. If there ever is a movie depiction of any of these experiences, this scene is the tops. After about 15 minutes a woman security volunteer came up and politely said,” You can’t do this.” I put my hand on her shoulder and said, “ I know they told you to tell me this.” I moved a few hundred feet way and shouted again as I had before with the same results. I’d like to think that this effort ended up being helpful in creating sufficient understanding to create the excellent grassroots San Diego truth group.

Helped organize a 9/11 truth conference in DC in 2005 including DRG, Peter Dale Scott, & Kevin Barrett. A notable conversation I had at that conference was with noted “ no planes hit the towers advocate” Nico Haupt.  I was trying to understand why he was at odds with  the others. He explained  through his fairly thick German accent that he had proven something and I realized that he associated such proof with an assumption that everyone far and wide would agree. The truth movement  largely acts the same way. Few see value in getting better at persuasion. There is an amazing scene involving Nico and Les Jamieson depicted in Matt Taibbi’s book deriding the truth movement entitled The Great Derangement. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry  when I read it.   If I hadn’t read that book, My friend Dr Tim Eastman wouldn’t have made a  donation to POGO so I could attend an event where Taibbi was billed. That donation got me regular yearly invitations to attend the Ridenhour Prize luncheon where I invited Tom Drake in 2013 and the next year Bill Binney to have dinner at Dr Eastman’s where Binney signed the AE petition. In addition, another year at the Ridenhour I met a staffer at a DC group which vetted Supreme Curt nominees. I connected the person I met to Prof Kurtis Hagen of U Plattsburgh who had written two peer reviewed critiques of Cass Sunstein’s Cognitive Infiltration book.

Put Vic Sadot in touch with William Rodriguez to help him write his song about Willie.

Les Jamieson called me and asked me to attend a congressional hearing the next day on Able Danger. I sat next to a major supporter of the committee chair, Curt Weldon (R-PA), a professor at Drexel U in Philly who was originally from North Korea. I had dinner with him and Jon Gold and Bob McIlvaine where we arranged to attend a Congressional Open House meeting for Weldon constituents in Philly.  I remember Jon Gold’s words at this dinner. “i want my life back.” When the 9/11 issue came up at the open house, I asked a question about the possibility of 9/11 being an inside job, the 10 term congressman who got bounced the next election answered,” I wouldn’t be surprised at anything. “

Put a DVD  of Prof Steve Jones at UVSC on 2/1/06 in the hands of powerful Congressman Henry Waxman as he walked by at a supermarket. Did the same to then talkshow host now US Senator Al Franken after a public presentation and book signing by him. What I usually said was,” This is a physics professor at BYU who praises Reagan, quotes St Paul, and says the towers came down from controlled demolition.” Franken replied,” Does he think that planes hit the towers?”

 i am founder of DC911truth in 2006. The day after that event the renter of that store in Takoma Park, Md lost their lease. The first thing I said at the first event was, and this is an exact quote,” If I live to be 100 and I'm still an activist, NOTHING, NOTHING, will piss them off more than this issue.”

Did Nonviolent Civil Disobedience for 911 truth in Rockville Md, joined by Mia Hamel who was arrested in Tampa, Fla in August of 2006 outside Oliver Stone's World Trade Center movie. Mia's arrest, covered by Fox News in Tampa LED with this story and showed the collapse of WTC7 twice on prime time. I visited the theater in Rockville, Md the day before the action and met with the manager. I told him there would be no danger to any of his employees OR customers because the challenge was moral rather than physical. I left him literature. I got 5 mainstream newspeople to show up. Channel 9 TV of DC was there. US News and World Report came because I had written publisher Mort Zuckerman's assistant telling her I remembered seeing him 30 years earlier at an EST weekend in NYC and realized he was a public figure. I had been struck that he looked like someone I had known. 15 years later I realized that person he looked like was my orthodontist, Louis Greenberg of Baltimore. The BBC radio guy, who was VERY VERY nasty, probably came because at the time the president of Reuters had the same name as me with a different spelling. I noted repeatedly to the BBC reporter how much I loved the British accent. He asked me who did 9/11. I noted that David Rockefeller  had referred to the towers as “Nelson” and “David”, so I doubted the destruction could  have been done without kissing his ring. Now, if I was asked that question by the media, I would decline to speculate. The local county paper attended and the daily from the city to the north, the Frederick News Post, came. I had a disagreement with the TV reporter over whether the Kean Commission had mentioned the destruction of WTC7. The Frederick News Post put the action on the front page below the fold. That reporter was NOT punished and currently works for the Wahington Post.  We had held a press conference the day before on a conference call where I had noted that Oliver Stone, the director of the film,  was a real artist, and I was only a propagandist. I think that's what impressed the Frederick News Post reporter. Mia was arrested that day, but the theater in suburban DC was clever and would not order me to cease and desist leafletting so I was not arrested. As a result I got no coverage from US News and World Report or Chanel 9 TV. I came back two days later without any support person or media and got arrested for trespass. Three police officers were there. One said, “You know we don't want to arrest you”.  I responded.” I'm sure your top priority is professionalism, and I have no complaints.”  Later in the police station the officer who processed me said,” You seem to know what you are doing,” That is one of the favorite moments of my life. I got a letter in the mail in a few days banning me from the theater property for 3 years. During the previous day’s conference call press conference someone called and asked if he could come to my house and let him listen in on a phone in another room. I did let him come. He called me weeks later in the middle of my leafletting for whistle blowers at the DOJ.  The irony of being called at THAT MOMENT suggests he was a police agent.  I assume now the reason he wanted to come to my house is to plant an electronic listening device. When I went to court in November, I gave the Gandhian plea from the great trial of 1922,” If you believe in what you are doing, give me your stiffest sentence,. If you don't, resign.”  The judge gave me a year and a half suspended. A year and a half was the max. Because I had zero support from DC 911 truth, I decided not to get arrested as a follow up as I had as a follow up at an arrest in 1982 along Gandhian parameters. I was at odds with the DC group for several years because Webster Tarpley took it over quickly after its founding, and I realized everyone agreed with him that “Gandhi and King are irrelevant  for our purposes for DC911 truth. “ I leafletted their events, where the primary speaker always was Webster, after that with a leaflet entitled,” Beware of Joining a Cult.”  Webster lost DC911Truth support a few months later when he was nasty to Cindy Sheehan. After several years my relationship with the DC group was repaired.

Leafletted for whistlebowers  at the DOJ, FBI, and State Department in fall of  2006. The FBI story is especially worth hearing.  It's onmy old website,, which I had to give up. I need assistance getting it from the wayback machine. I’d still like to banner outside the FBI if anyone reading this wants to join me.  We would make a website listing the shame and honors due the FBI as regards 9/11 and have the banner read just the website’s URL.  When I leafletted the FBI, my line was,” I’ll bet you care more about the constitution than I do.” One exited employee pulled his copy out of his pocket to show me. At the Dept of State, the BEST place to leaflet because the line of foot traffic exiting is quite narrow as it approaches the Metro station, I said,”  State Dept workers protect our nations honor.” One man walking by responded,” But It’s too late!!”, to which I responded. “Take this then so you’ll see it’s not.” One side of the leaflet included a dozen points encouraging whistleblowing from an earlier Dan Ellsburg led press conference. The other  side discussed 9/11. In 2015 I spoke to Ellsburg, who lives in Berkeley, California, who said his best friend was Peter Dale Scott. 

2006 I bannered outside the Pentagon with two banners (one held by my friend) and More Gin Less Rummy. Many pentagon workers laughed, one of the few times I have tried to use humor in this movement.

 Met with victims of anthrax who had worked at USPS.  Made friends.  Took them to meet local DC progressive activist  Rev.Graylan Hagler. Raised the idea that the DC group address the anthrax issue since two local postal workers had died. All but Jeff Long poohpoohed the idea.  They were still upset about my leaflet denigrating Tarpley.

Did leafletting at the final meeting of the followup year panel talks by Kean Commission members and others of that ilk.  On the first event I sat next to the former prime minister of Canada.  I also had dialog with former 8 term US Congressman Mickey Edwards (R-OK) He accused me of being one sided. I smiled.

  I got there early to the final event and was dressed in coat and tie. Was amused that many early arrivals thought I was putting on the event when, of course, I was there to cause trouble.  A bald man with short grey hair in coat and tie. What else could they expect? A young man with security asked me to stop leafletting and put the leaflets next to the window for people to pick up. I said “I decline”. He said,” But we're paying for this.” I said,” I consider this event one of the greatest acts of cowardice in modern world history.”  Later, while the event was transpiring, I moved up closer and closer to the front. By the end of the event, I was in the front row. Quickly the same young security staffer sat next to me. I put my hand on his shoulder and comforted him. I said, ”Don't worry, I won't speak unless spoken to.” He was SO relieved.  Then a different person shouted out and interrupted.  I leafletted more as people left and nodded goodbye to Kean and Fielding telling Fielding, ” I'm glad you weren't Deep Throat.” They laughed. There had been speculation that Commissioner Fred Fielding had been Deep Throat of Watergate fame, but the real Deep Throat had come forward during the hearings. Kean and I nod hello whenever we see each other.

Provided housing for Rosalie Grable, the “web fairy” when she visited DC one time. She just passed. I tried to examine her evidence that no planes hit the towers, but could NOT see the subtleties she was directing me to look at. I am troubled now in 2016 by the following: It does not seem unreasonable to suggest some parts of the planes in NYC would have bounced back from the tower. It is troubling that videos show the nose of the plane passes all the way through the tower. I don’t understand the possibilities of holograms.  I’ve also corresponded with a TV fakery person named Potter who asserts that one of the ostensible passengers on one of the 4 planes sold property he owned years after 9/11. In any case. the issue for me is convincing non choir to question the OCT more than the issue is to personally determine exactly what happened.   Most notably, John Judge, whose  parents worked at the Pentagon where he visited regularly, told me that a pentagon employee told him that 90% of any black ops budget is for diversion. Thus,  since the vast majority of the truth movement hold that 77 did NOT hit the pentagon, including me, if it did and there came a time that the truth movement had gained significant traction, the feds could release the real videos and pull the rug out from under our momentum. Thus, my proposal for follow up to the 28pp release is to focus on the release of the pentagon videos NOW, ASAP. This could even be a position taken by AE911Truth since it does not assert any theory of what happened.

 Attended a auditorium presentation by Karl Rove at Goucher College, a respected small women’s college in the Baltimore area that my aunt had been expelled from over 80 years ago for smoking cigarettes.  My antiwar friends were protesting and yelling outside and many gained entrance, only to be removed when they made noise during the presentation. I hate interrupting speakers. I prefer standing quietly with a critical sign or leafletting. I made up a leaflet about Rove  where I discussed the various assertions by NYT reporter Philip Shenon that Kean Commission executive director Philip Zelikow was in regular secret contact with Rove during the commission hearings. i gave out hundreds of such leaflets. Rove brilliantly handled the charge that he had been president more than W had been. Rove’s response was that he Rove had been a University of Maryland dropout while W had degrees from Yale and Harvard.

Found a Harvard  Graduate School of Design AE petition signer who attempted to arrange a talk by Richard at Harvard. It would have been  the first time a respected truther had spoken at any Ivy League college.  I got a list of all the Ivy league petition signers  from AE to try to assemble an advertisement in the Harvard Crimson PRAISING Harvard for having Richard speak SIGNED BY ALUMS OF THE OTHER IVY LEAGUE COLLEGES!  Such praise is so rare to make the ADVERTISEMENT ITSELF worth coverage in the Boston Globe and the NYT. The student sponsors realized what was happening and pulled the plug. Graeme Macqueen, a Harvard PhD, did speak at Harvard later.  I was not informed before it happened so I wasn’t able to put together the ad. Since Kelly David never allows sorting by college and has thrown out MANY  volunteers with web design ability, this could no longer occur.

Attended many events put on by the MIT Club of DC where I leafletted or gave out DVD’s. At one event at the Army Navy Club near the Pentagon, I handed out DVD’s of Prof Steven Jones at Utah Valley State College on 2/1/06. One older alum yelled at me. The younger alum in charge ordered me to leave. I offered to move a few feet into the other room, where everyone exiting the event still had to pass by. They said “ No. Outside.” I said,” I decline.” At an event where the CNN reporter who had tracked down bin Laden to get the interview where bin Laden declared jihadist war on the US, I handed out special leaflets including evidence that  bin Laden had been visited in the hospital in Abu Dubai 6 weeks before 9/11 by CIA station chief and his Saudi parallel. I went table to table putting a batch of leaflets on each table, and most all were taken! I attended a presentation by Susan Hochfeld, the president of MIT, and gave her info noting I was not asking for action, just her review of the info. The only person from my class year in the DC group, a VP of a major defense contractor, understood immediately my charges that controlled demolition had occurred. His sons had even worked at NIST one summer. I provided an AE packet to the Chairman of the Board of MIT, former Citibank CEO John Reed, saying” I’m not asking you to publicly discuss this info since it would hurt MIT’s relations with DC pols. I’m asking you just to review it so when the tide turns, and MIT is about to have egg on its face, public statements CAN be made so MIT will have LESS egg on its face.”

Organized monthly conference calls  among the grassroots list from 2006 for a year or more.

 Spoke at a truth conference in Chicago in 2006 on Nonviolent Civil Disobedience. Met Alex Jones and spoke to him about a meeting I had had with Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer of Able Danger fame where Shaffer admitted that the US military had done an exercise where they landed on a Florida beach in 2003 and did damage to property but hurt no person. Jones ignored me but had Shaffer on years later.

Met Richard Gage at a conference in Hartford CT, and arranged for him to speak at MIT in 2007. MIT had a rule against leafleting, which astounded me. I almost made MIT arrest me, but held off saying as I had at the NYT,” If I do come back to leaflet and get arrested, I’ll call first to tell you I’m coming so you don’t wonder if I’m coming.” Richard invited me to join the AE team. 

 Announced at a truth conference in Philly on July 4 the idea of bannering outside the FBI to recruit whistleblowers after the organizer, Web Tarpley, tried to prevent my presentation of that idea. The facilitator of that meeting, Paul Desaulniers, convinced the folks at by lying about my behavior to not allow my participation in the grassroots monthly call I had been organizing and to ban me from posting on After about 9 months I spoke to the executive director of, convincing her DeSaulniers was lying, and she allowed me back on the monthly call. In addition, I attended a 911 truth conference in Keene NH where I let them know I would make them arrest me if I wasn't allowed back into 911blogger and the 911 monthly call I had  been organizing. They backed down and I did not do NVCD.  Desaulniers quit and disappeared.

Other less significant possible harassment of me by the feds COULD have been
1) When I was with AE there was an internal email set up which I was not able to pick up on my desktop. richard took time to try to fix it and even the owner of the company who designed it couldn’t fix it. I was able to receive these emails on my I phone.
2) When the legal team started there was some internal email  I was unable to receive. Jane could not figure out how to solve the problem.

 Richard Ochs and I  bannered outside NIST in Gaithersburg in 2007. The banner started with SHOW COURAGE and gave AE’s full name. Richard built the banner. At first we are on a sidewalk on the NIST side of the main drag outside their main entrance (Clopper Rd?) The authorities said that was not a public sidewalk. They said it was federal property. There were three different police forces present, the feds, Montgomery County, and the City of Gaithersburg.  we got permission from the restaurant across the street to stand on the grass on their property. That was actually better because  the banner  had large enough letters and faced drivers stopped at a red light waiting to leave the NIST facility. Michael Newman, the PR for NIST actually came out and spoke to us and we got him on tape. I raised concern about the weakening of the Constitution. This picture and accompanying article was the  first thing that AE put forward in their newsletter I ever did.

 Spoke on nonviolence at a truth conference in Mesa AZ (Phoenix area) in 2007. Had to get Jeannette MacKinlay to prevent the organizer from deep sixing that talk. Got that organizer to give me one minute to speak to the plenary where I raised the idea that Graeme MacQueen liked two years later of a private fast on people who love you just to review at some specific piece of research.

 Called every US House Democrat and left a voicemail message with their staffer for homeland security about Rep Cynthia Mckinney’s (D -GA) house hearings on 9/11.

Paid to set up the tribute website to Barry Jennings called Includes the 22 minutes of footage of his longest interview. We did bannering  with the URL at nearly three dozen different media venues on the first anniversary of his death, August 19, 2009.

2009 interviewed Howard Zinn: When asked if truth presenters should be allowed at progressive rallies and conferences his response was, for a small agenda of 5 speakers, no, but for a larger lineup, like 22, yes. There is a transcript available, upon request. 

Interviewed Marcus Raskin of the Institute for Policy Studies. He is the person who coined term “national security state”, after I read a book of his citing quotes to him during the session. The director of “9/11 in the Academic Community” Adnan Zuberi, told me my Raskin interview helped inspire his award winning film.

 Bannered  with several other people I recruited for William Rodriguez in DC to win a TV sponsored courage award.

 Founded over 30 teams  at AE911 Truth, starting with
Congressional outreach-met for years

College outreach--met for years. I actually have a formula now for setting up such clubs.

 Cable access outreach-met for years- This is the ultimate in reaching non choir . There are HUNDREDS of cable access stations in the US. This is the channel that broadcasts your city council meetings. They can’t refuse to take a submission except for reasons of commerciality or vulgarity. One engineer in NJ got BFT on his local cable access station for SIX MONTHS SHOWN ONCE A WEEK by just one submission. He arranged ANOTHER 6 months with another submission.  Cable access viewers are non choir because most are mostly just channel surfing.

Team Building Team- Never found a functioning assistant, though I found three.

Conference / Convention Development Outreach Team (we have a list of about 70 national conventions that needs updating) I provided this to Samantha Penn recently.  Certain professions tend to earn so well that a group of a half dozen might be able to raise enough from their OWN list of a couple hundred to HAVE a booth. Richard and staff could easily get anything such a team wrote.

International Outreach Team- Team leader flaked after a month

 Europe monthly  conference call -went for several months until Richard overslept.

Facebook outreach team- I had to put much effort into convincing Richard that this team was needed.

 Wikipedia outreach team- Had team leader but never functioned. Vic Ashley says the CIA controls wikipedia. One approach we considered was to monitor the entry closely, make a very narrow change with more specificity and prove the correct addition had been removed in minutes within posting. Then we would contact people in management through networking to prove the wiki team has been corrupted. Still worth considering.

Letters to the editor- Found a team leader but never functioned. We only need one person to review submitted letters to see which ones are worthy of distribution.

Media outreach team -The paid consultant with impressive credentials was treated with profound contempt by other truthers on the media outreach team over my objections.  Richard felt she had welched on her deal, but she could not have anticipated the vicious treatment.  she could never be expected to publish a research paper, but that was not her forte. She knew LOTS of producers of shows and represented many well know progressive speakers.

 An impressive Canadian also held this role for the 10th anniversary for low pay and later helped on an AE Canadian Tour.  Richard was committed to ignoring this experienced person’s advice that you can’t make an hour presentation to start a press conference. No professional reporter will tolerate that.

Media monitoring team- Found a team leader who flaked. The vision I had was to have two teams. One left of center to monitor left leaning programs and one right of center to monitor the MAJORITY of programs, which ARE on the right. Each team would have access to ways to contact others on their team to call in reinforcements in the case that 9/11, the war on terror, or civil liberties was being discussed on some show or blog.

Lunch and learn outreach team . This is an effort to find architectural or civil engineering firms willing to allow one of our presenters to come where they provide the lunch and our presenter is allowed to sell our DVD’s at the end to recoup the cost of the lunch. It was hard for many of AE folk to understand that it does not matter where the organizer lives, He or she just needs to make sure they are clear as to how far the presenter is willing to travel and which days and times they are available. Did have a volunteer for a month or so. We lost him to  Occupy Wall st.

Film festival outreach team -Found longtime truther Hollywood script writer who tried for over a year unsuccessfully to get ESO into a festival.

 Grant writing and philanthropy team -Richard would not even talk to someone who was a PhD  development professional at Penn State who had actually attended a fundraising conference where he had asked questions on behalf of AE.

The Coffee Sales Team -AE get's $2 net for each private label sale, but Richard refuses to mention this after the very first announcement. He denies that the 50 plus % of Americans who drink coffee daily is a relevant statistic.  If petition signers were to just try one or more varieties, AE could net almost $100 per year if that person bought all their coffee from AE.

Outreach to family members: I found a longtime AE activist who agreed to be team leader. He had distant cousins die that day. He is very prudent. He waited for a year for the list of 50 family members. After a year he pulled out because he worried Richard would give him flack if anything went wrong.

Law Enforcement Outreach Team- important lesson of the need for calling over emailing initial invitations.  Only when John Meadors called did he arrange an actual team call for months.

Firefighters Outreach Team- Recruited Dale Pierce, who is still active. He did have a few conference call meetings originally.

Veterans Outreach Team- Team leader had to quit because he lost his job for being a truther. Calling people who live near wherever that national convention of Veterans for Peace to get enough people to outvote major left gatekeeper influence as this is  largely a left gatekeeper organization. More than veterans need be called since non veterans can join as associate members and still vote. In 2016 the VFP national conference was in SF, but Ken Jenkins sees no value in staging a debate. If we could generate  enough volunteer hours to help whichever local VFP chapter is staging the conference, we could  trade that labor for a plenary 9/11 debate so that the left gatekeepers who hate 9/11 truth would have no other presentation to attend during that time window. I did in 2014 find a registered practicing civil engineer FROM THE BAY AREA open to debating one of us. In 2013 I organized a talk at the convention by Kevin Ryan in Madison Wisconsin. In 2014 I organized in Asheville NC a showing of ESO by Stan Beattie. My complaint about leftists is not that they don’t agree. It’s that they won’t discuss the evidence.

Labor Outreach Team ( I recruited a former VFP board member who is hugely respected  by organized labor in the twin cities, but he has been told by AE that everyone hates me, and almost no one but me thinks labor is of any significance. A few years ago we had labor team conference calls and leafletted hundreds of leaflets at a postal workers convention in LA.

Steel Trades Outreach Team -AE is much too  arrogant to see value in trades people. I found two highly qualified co team leaders but could never get them a proper list.

Concrete Trades Outreach Team -same problem of AE professional arrogance, though the person I found to start this team was a civil engineer with a concrete patent. This, the religious outreach  team, the geology outreach team, and the legal team were designed to be organized by someone OTHER than the team leader. That organizer person was also charged with finding someone of sufficient credentials to BE team leader.

Civil and Structural Engineering Outreach Team- found  a member of the ASCE to be team leader but I was bounced over my  anger at the suicide of the founder of the legal team after she was treated so viciously.

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Outreach Team- Found a team leader who ironically early in his attendance at the weekly meeting said to Richard and I when we were the last people on the call,”Aren’t you concerned we are infiltrated?” Richard said,” I’d be disappointed if we were not.”

Mechanical Engineering Outreach team- Never found a team leader. Asked many.

Physics Outreach Team- Found a team leader a year after I was bounced who had a PhD in Physics.  He got approval from Richard to do this but was  given a list of only 8 people. Richard didn’t even care.

Geology outreach- Found a geology college professor to organize the team and find a different team leader.

Demolitionists Outreach Team- Found a team leader who needed a co-team leader who felt more comfortable working in cyberspace. He recently appeared on Freefall.

Promotion of Richard Gage as a college speaker team -I am the person who wrote the letter that Kelly sent from Richard to Pete Carroll, coach of the Seattle Seahawks.  Both played high school football near SF and Carroll won his NCAA football  championship at Richard's alma mater, USC. I am actually a football fan. One time Richard and I went to a training in LA about him becoming a college speaker.  We actually  went to conventions and tried to get him gigs at colleges. Another person did call all the schools listed in the program, but did not make sure she called the correct week of the year. The college speaker trainer likes to attain pictures of himself with notables. I asked Richard if we could approach Pete Carroll to see in he would be willing to let the college speaker trainer fly to Seattle to have his picture taken with Pete Carroll in return for the trainer spending a full day with Richard designing a 911 truth package to present to colleges. The session is valued at $15,000, but Richard refused. Let's ask him why.

 Note here that I mentioned to Dan Barnum in a recent call about a Lenny Charles idea of finding a former NIST staffer to get paid to travel the colleges of the country to debate Richard like the  old traveling debate of Tim Leary debating G Gordon Liddy. That could be a package that works. Dan was clear that Richard is a fine speaker but not a good debater. I remember when Richard debated Chris Mohr in Denver, the team, especially Gregg Roberts, thought Richard lost. Speaking to Fran Shure, who was how we found Mohr, insisted Richard did not lose that debate. If I could discuss this further I would note that  since the tour would make the ex NIST staffer big money, we could build a good working relationship where as long as no one has to say anything they don’t believe, there would not be many surprises. In addition, we could get a debate coach for Richard. Dan says he, Dan, a good speaker but not a good debater, so he might need to be wary of seeing the situation so much through his own reality. Note also the last time I spoke to Ralph Nader in person, Nader added to his original advice to have a debate at the National Press Club with the advice that if  we debate someone, they have to be seem as representing the government. At one point Yaz Manley connected with the former director of NIST.

Professor PhD one on one outreach team- never found a team leader. I originally had requested of Dan Barnum, an FAIA, to contact the various winners of the top architect of the year at the AIA convention. He seemed to like the idea but never followed through.  

Primary and Secondary School Outreach Team- found a team leader and got him a list of 15,000 petition signers, but he never had time to take action. Found a retired school principal to be co team leader, but his health prevented him from taking action.

Talk Show outreach team.  Found a team leader  who prepared a team to do outreach for the tenth anniversary, but a top AE person dissed them and I got angry, which in Richard’s eyes is MUCH worse that disrespecting volunteers.

Legal team/The FOIA Request Team- Recruited founder Susan Watkins who committed suicide after being treated terribly by Kelly and AE, though thankfully  she did not blame AE. Andy Steele dishonestly said I said that AE killed her, which I never said.

Religious Outreach Team- team met for many months. Had to cease because 2 Christians for overseas were so Islamaphobic.

Left Gatekeepers, Peace Movement, and Liberals Outreach Team-Got a list of 700, 100 of which were real activists. Team leader I found proved too busy. could have dovetailed with the media monitoring team.

Tea Party, Ron Paul Supporters, and Libertarian Outreach Team
Family Members Outreach Team-Got a list of 700 , 200 of which were real activists. Found a team leader who was ordered by his wife to quit.

 Got translation team to translate basic leaflet into a few other languages and for UK, which has a different sized paper.


Gave keynote speech at  in NY on 2009 anniversary. Spoke on Gandhi. The main point I make about Gandhi whenever I talk is that Americans, even my peers and superiors in nonviolent resistance, tend to want something for nothing  because they get arrested and avoid the jail sacrifice that would kick in the dynamic involved with nonviolent resistance.  Prof Graeme Macqueen praised my idea of a private fast on people who love you. I am close to the only person in the US who realizes Gandhi said you only fast on those who love you and never on adversaries.

Traveled to a 9/11 truth conference in Paris in 2009. It is the only time I have ever been to Europe. Met US born Diana Castillo there. she is now a force in the DC group. After leaving the Louvre I by chance encountered Jersey Girl Kristen Breitweiser, who had not been at the conference. 

Attended a talk in Princeton, NJ by Naomi Wolf being interviewed by Chris Hedges. I brought Bob Mcilvaine. I had earlier attended a talk by Wolf in Philly on the fascist surge in the US. That and my 9/11 related question was on youtube.  After the Princeton talk Bob dialoged with Hedges and I with Wolf.  Bob raised questions about leftgatekeeperism. I found from Wolf that she lives in Manhattan and her teenage son’s school was so close to ground zero that he has respiratory problems associated with the dust cloud released that day. She also agreed to interview Bob at some point, but never did. Cornel West did drop by after their talk to greet them. In 2014 I spoke to Hedges after a talk and praised him for never being nasty to truther. He responded that he has close friends who are truther. I saw him in 2016 and asked if he would consider letting me know who his friends are who are truther so we could support their efforts with him. He said he would consider it.

Visit to Cornel West while he was a professor at Princeton. I had attended a couple of his Baltimore presentations before he agreed to see me. The issue I raised is to show him how  antiracists like him need to hear how they should at least discuss the evidence about 9/11. My first point as I entered his office was that Katrina was more OBVIOUSLY about race, but 9/11 was also.  Half the time we spoke of nonviolent resistance and the value of jail sacrifice. He noted he and his friend Michael Lerner had done civil disobedience before, but acknowledged they had not been in jail long. I asserted that if he were to do a month in jail or months in jail it would turn this country upside down. If I did it it would hardly have the same effect.  He noted it would greatly upset his mother, hardly an irrelevancy IMHO. My mother always objected to my NVCD. At the end of the session he hugged me and praised my revolutionary spirit. It was one of the great moments in my life.The appointment was only for 15 minutes but he had let me stay an hour. A crowd of a dozen had amassed in his office because he had let me stay that hour.

Arrested for NVCD three times in one weekend at 9/11 truth conference in Valley Forge, Pa because the organizers who were friends of mine would not speak with me, NOT that I sought the right to  be a presenter.  one instance the arresting officer asserted tis was a waste of the taxpayers money. I agreed many taxpayers would agree, but since that logic would imply there should never be any civil disobedience, I can accept the logic. While i jail a detective came to the cell to figure out why I had made them arrest me. I explained that the organizers were friends for years ad they had decided not to talk to me. The detective understood better than any truther. He noted that his inlaws sometimes refuse to talk to him and it drives him crazy. I told a different officer that I am the rare radical who likes the police.  I like police TV shows because they are mysteries and are usually about honor. 

As explained in greater detail at  AE staffer Andy Steele currently refuses to talk to me. Same with Richard himself.  It is a weakness of the 9/11 truth movement. If a person is willing to speak to someone who is dead set against what they believe, why can't people who largely agree engage in dialog?

The  2010 (?) anniversary event at the National Press Club in DC came from advice that I sought from Ralph Nader . We scheduled a debate but both adversaries cancelled, the first EXPLICITLY because he knew it would help us. Instead, we had a mock debate  where we presented statements from adversaries and responded to them. I introduced Mike Gravel and figured out that he had become the House leader in Alaska in only his SECOND term, quite an accomplishment.

Single handedly organized  48 local same day press conferences around the US  on the day AE  celebrated 1000 AE petition signers at an SF area press conference.

 Singlehandedly organized 67 same day press conferences less than a year later on the anniversary. 5 TV stations covered this, including Utica with Andy Steele.

 Organized 11 regions  with regional coordinators throughout the US and Canada for the tenth anniversary organizing.

Attended a sports conference in Boston to try to interest Mark Cuban in AE. As Cuban walked off the stage I was perfectly positioned to put in his hand my AE business card which had on one side the dust from WTC1 flying up and out. My words to him were,” This is about your role in American history.” Never got a response. Rumor had it he was about to back the final version of Loose Change until the SEC threatened him on some matter.

Gave up my pay for a couple of months so that Andy Steele could pay rent on a radio network to get his show Freefall off the ground. Sorry he did not appreciate it. Curious he thanks me by refusing to talk to me.

Gave out 500 AE business cards at my 40th MIT reunion in 2012 with a link to DRG's conclusion to his WTC 7 book where he italicizes 7 terrible breaches of scientific protocol.

Attended the Peter King( NY) hearings about DHS and terror with Enver Masud and got away with handing out Enver’s leaflets on Capitol Hill, a no no.  I described Enver to everyone as the most daring muslim in the US. See

Leafletted with Wayne Coste the Roots Action conference in Providence, RI.  They refused to let Wayne even rent a table. 

 When Andy Steele was conducting his  excellent call ins to C-Span to politicians about WTC7, which lead after many months to Richard’s  40 minute appearance on C-Span, I called in twice. Both times I kept my promise to Andy to read exactly what we had agreed to have me read.  After Richard was on I sent that link to both Rep Tom Massie(R-KY) of 28pp fame, who graduated MIT 20 years after I did and to the right hand man to the CIO of the DHS I had met at an MIT club of DC.

In 2013 I arranged for an Afghani immigrant who lives near Kathy Kelly in Chicago to visit her and show Kathy the AE video ESO. He had been a college professor in Chicago in 2001 and went on TV soon after the catastrophe where he publicly  was skeptical about the OCT and was fired. His wife has supported him ever since. He was very worried he would regret talking to Kathy, but eventually did go visit. She did NOT watch ESO. She spends a lot of time in Afghanistan supporting a charity there. I saw Kathy at the VFP conference where I told her in person she is my favorite activist of my generation. 

 I later wrote her in prison saying we need to discuss 9/11 truth since she is such a great antiracist and refusal to even discuss the evidence Muslims didn’t do 9/11 is irresponsible for a real antiwar antiracist activist.

In early 2015 I wrote twice to the Kathy. She was in jail for 3 months in the spring over an anti-drone protest.. I also describe her as the greatest antiracist alive in the world, but I told her in the letter she was taking a racist position by refusing to even  discuss the evidence  that Muslims are not the 9/11 culprits.  I told her in the letter I was considering picketing her home or even doing a civil disobedience there in Chicago. I don't ask that she necessarily change her mind, just that she discuss evidence that Muslims are not the 9/11 culprits. I realized  Voices in the Wilderness, her group, are so nice that I should just volunteer at their collective and  arrange to have them spend SOME time giving me a chance to make my case. It turns out the address is not a collective, but I did get her staffer who answers the phone to watch Jon Cole’s “ 9/11 Experiments: The arbitrator of competing hypotheses” WHICH HE AGREED MADE OUR CASE, but he felt he would be derided by his friends if he said that. I didn’t push him to do more and thanked him. I sent him DRG and Kevin Ryan’s essays on how Muslims were not the 9/11 culprits.

 With PhD physicist Dr Tim Eastman showed ESO  and discussed  its significance  with NSA whistleblower Tom Drake in Sept 2013. We made clear he was under no obligation to agree. 

 In 2014 Dr Eastman  and I made similar efforts with NSA whistleblower Bill Binney. He signed the AE petition  before ESO was done. Later he was interviewed with Richard Gage on James Corbett's show. Binney then more than once co hosted Alex Jones show.

Organized presence at left forum w Wayne Coste  in 2013-2016. In 2013 we just staffed a table. In 2014 Wayne Coste Bob Mclvaine and I did a presentation entitled, 
2014 May 31 - “Does the Left's Silence about Controlled Demolition on 9/11 Promote Islamophobia?” It is on youtube. In contrast to offending Jews and friends of Jews, the reverse approach is used, Why can’t leftists absolve the muslims for 9/11?
We reprised in 2015 with a similar presentation with muslim organizer Mauri Saalakhan instead of Bob McIlvaine. We also organized 3 other presentations in 2015. In 2016 there were 8 in total.

Organized Kevin Ryan speaking on 9/11 at VFP in Madison Wisc in 2013. I spoke on NV. and Gandhi.

Organized Stan Beattie to speak at VFP in Asheville,NC  2014. Found an civil engineer open to  debating against AE. A  Californian truther agreed to organize enough support so that the San Diego organizers would allow a plenary debate on 9/11.  The truther never did one thing after I called him 10 times.  We would easily be allowed to have a debate workshop, but the only attendees would be choir. 

  I facilitated the first few meetings of the legal team in 2013. The founder of the team, Susan Watkins, a legal secretary from Kansas  City was treated with contempt by the AE board.  The four lawyers who attended the first meeting were frightened away by Kelly David and Mike Cook, who acted like the board was against the existence of the group, the first meeting by lawyers in the history of the truth movement. The most impressively credentialed attorney, a former counselor for 4 Democratic governors of Mississippi, was on that call but never would return a call afterwards. Richard refused to reach out to ask him to engage us. His excuse was he doesn’t beg people to volunteer, ignoring that his people drove this very valuable person away. A month later Susan committed suicide. Thankfully she did not blame AE.  I was so angry about another example of A&E  proverbially spitting in the face of volunteers that I said I would hurt AE, so Richard threw me out.  I never abused the list of 20,000 names I have, but now in 2016 with the advent of AE deciding no volunteer will ever be allowed to recruit from the list by phone, I am calling for Kelly's ouster and boycott by donors til all staff except Richard are ousted,  Not being able to call from the list is the ultimate death knell for AE organizing.  They don't care about having an impact or reaching their goal. They just want to raise money. The charge i make is encrusted bureaucracy.

And I am STILL totally supportive of AE  having a policy of no reference to DEW, no reference to  no planes hit the towers, no reference to mininukes,  no reference to any theory about the pentagon and no reference to who did it. 

Starting in 2014 I organized a leaflet on Newton's laws to be given out at colleges on ther anniversary. The idea is that AE is better than the rest of the truth movement because it only says what it can prove. If Richard debates someone and each person makes 20 points, it seems the adversary addressed everything Richard raised. If we only have one point or three points, it would be much harder to act like the adversary fully addressed our concerns.  AE would not support this activism and instead had a wonderful article on Newton's laws in the Blueprint. At the very end of 2014  the originator of ESO, Marty McGee of Buffalo  and I  began talking for a whole year about  a sequel to ESO focused on Newton.  He spoke to Richard at a weekly meeting about the idea and Richard does not remember the part about Newton's laws being the focus. We need physicists  and people who can write or have a sense of humor to help. Any takers? 

  In late 2014 I met with my college professor Noam Chomsky to request he publicly debate me on the topic of 9/11. He declined. In early 2015 I discussed with him my intention of getting arrested on his front lawn, pleading guilty to trespass as Gandhi used to, and serve time in jail to touch his heart to get him to accept my request to debate, Neither of us like normal debates, He thinks it's better when people are allowed to give credit to one or another of their adversaries points. I promised I would only raise issues that were nontechnical since I have visited him many times and he is never willing to look at videos.  He had me raise one nontechnical question and I raised the BBC report that day that WTC7 had fallen while it was still standing in the background. He responded that the media makes mistakes. Since what it really proves is the perpetrators had a direct line to the BBC, that the only mistake about the report was getting caught knowing something which means they are with people who are complicit or they have ESP.  In response to the NVCD idea in his front lawn, he said he had moved and  suggested it would be more appropriate to talk to the Union of Concerned Scientists or Science for the People who CAN discuss hard science. I called and made an appointment with UCS to let them know I was considering doing a civil disobedience on them. I visited them in Cambridge in October of 2015 to assure them they had nothing to fear from  me if I do such a trespass CD in their office. They asked why not picket, which  I realize might be a better way to start the campaign.  The problem with the Cambridge office is the entrance to their office is in the back, near no public sidewalk, but the office In DC is a normal office on K Street where it would be legal to picket. They also have offices in Chicago and Oakland Cal.  Any locals interested in those 4 cities?

Leafletted in NYC in OCT of 2015 at the American Society for Civil Engineers national convention to challenge their ethics.

2015 Promoted Graeme MacQueen's anthrax book on 9/11 truth shows

2015 Promoted Tori Alexander's 9/11 themed novel Locus Amoenus ( a parallel to Hamlet) and Tori on 911 truth shows

2015 Promoted DRG's climate change book and DRG on truth shows.

 On my 65th birthday I went to DC for David Cole to put an invitation in Judge Andrew Napolitano's hands inviting him to attend  a conference call of the legal team. I put it in his hand at a perfect moment, but he did not end up responding. Sadly, the legal team, which was in the process of arranging a letterhead had so little respect for the great David Cole that they never made the letterhead in time. They are also mainly liberals who have little respect for the libertarian Napolitano, who did have Geraldo as a guest after Geraldo had had Bob McIlvaine  and Tony Szamboti as guests on his TV show. I also took pictures of the tops of trees near the White House and Capitol so Dave Cole could see if he could figure out where the white plane was flying in the FOIA picture he secured.
If you do not know David Cole, he is close to a saint in his dedication to 9/11 truth and a great  researcher and  FOIA practitioner.

 On the issue of stale lists: In 2012 or so a volunteer came forward who lived in Weir Kansas.   Mark Hughes wanted to be the organizer of Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Everyone realizes that the coasts are the political hotbed and the heartland is quite a challenge. He asked a dozen times. He got a two year old list and quit asking after 3 months.

  Recruited David Hooper of Detroit to connect with AE. He was in the middle of making a film called “Anatomy of a Great Deception” both richard and I gave him fine point critiques to help him polish it. After I left AE I helped Hooper promote AGD. He agreed to  reimburse various expenses up to various determinants of successful promotion. I found local truther to have individual showings of the move where they purchased  promotion packets. One friend broke of dealing with me because these packets came late. At one point I requested the tracking number for my last check and Dave fired me for that request. The mailing never came and I had to seriously consider picketing the showing in Detroit, but he did wire the money and the original glitch turned out to be the fault of the USPS.  Frank Agamemnon used Facebook to get viewings of AGD over a million.

 Participated in weekly conference calls for almost a year  led by Les Jameson on the 28pp.  90% of everyone who came to those calls were invited by me. In June I attended a press conference on Capitol Hill put on by the sponsors of HR 428 and the parallel Senate bill. I put a copy of Tony Szamboti's 25 point critique of NIST in the hands of MIT mechanical engineer Rep Tom Massie ( R-KY) after I introduced myself as a fellow MIT grad. 

 In late 2015 I began posting regularly on a website called Anyone can ask any question. Anyone can answer. Every week there are  dozens of new questions about 9/11 and terrorism.  There are about a dozen debunkers I joust with. The important factor is that CIVILITY IS ENFORCED. People really are banned for a week for being nasty to me. I am acknowledged as a most viewed person or ranked close to the top 10 on a many topics.   At times I cite the quote from NIST about WTC7 freefall. Other times I cite Sibel Edmonds on bin Laden being on the US payroll up through 9/11. There are now many days when I am read by over 1500 people. Many answers don't appear because they are down voted. Many of mine are downvoted  but many are not because I am upvoted quickly enough. If we had a few dozen people to regularly participate, we could respond to every debunker mistatement and upvote each other quickly. Many people are from other countries, especially India  and Pakistan being so populous and nearly all English speaking. With 1.4 million muslims in the world, many participate. Obviously, people raised outside the US are not likely to be beset by American exceptionalism. 

 In November 2015 I worked the ABX(Architecture) convention in Boston with Richard.  While there I brought Richard to meet with Noam Chomsky, who had been my professor while I was an undergraduate at MIT.  He did not know I was bringing Richard, but I told his secretary and then Noam that Richard and Noam had spoken on the phone but never met, which is true.   Noam once noted in response to a question after a speech that he had spoken with Richard, only implying erroneously that the discussion included matters of substance, which it did not.  It had occurred in 2007 when I brought Richard to speak at MIT.   My friend Rick Shaddock  provided hardcopies of the 22 peer reviewed papers outside the Journal of 911 Studies and Richard got Chris Greuner of Boston 911 truth to provide hardcopies of  the 72  peer reviewed  papers  from the Journal. We gave them to Noam and Noam allowed me to take a picture of Richard and Noam.  I noted to Noam that Prof Graeme Macqueen is both co editor of that journal and has  film footage of him praising Noam at three different places in the pro Chomsky documentary “ Rebel Without a Pause”  Richard noted we were seeking a subpoena powered investigation and Noam said that would never happen. Noam urged us to consider setting up a tribunal like the Russell Tribunal  which was initiated by his hero Bertrand Russell. When I would go to Noam's office as a student he would have a huge poster of Russell there. He also urged us to approach the American Society of Civil Engineers and the American Physical Society, the national professional societies for  civil engineers and physicists. Noam had no idea that these were issues I had especially been lobbying for with Richard. It's not as if Noam and I are buddies.  Richard admitted being open to my organizing outreach to these professional societies.  He also admitted that former CFO and Board member Tom Spellman had destroyed the volunteer team.  He also admitted  that AE needed me more than I need them.  He also, , when I noted I get read by a thousand  people a day at, that I write a piece for the newsletter on that. As you can imagine, One article by AE about Quora could generate a truth team for Quora.  I was interviewed by Craig McKee for the Blueprint newsletter and was not surprised when there was no mention of the need for any team to do outreach to civil engineers and another for outreach to  physicists. SURPRISE. AE was only interested in noting it had given Chomsky the peer reviewed articles and ignored any chance to helping build organizing. 

In late 2015 I corresponded with NH truth activists who were also part of the antinuclear group opposing the Seabrook nuke where I had been arrested a dozen or more times in my youth. They are truthers too.  They are open to writing an important professor of epidemiology at UNC Chapel Hill who is the only hard scientist at UNC Chapel Hill who signed a petition this year in support of a young adjunct literature professor who had been pilloried by Fox News for having students try to understand jihadism. My antinuke friends in DC refused to discuss 9/11 issues, but Prof Woodward, Doug Bogen, and  Dr. Dave Diamond are longtime truthers.  The reason to reach Dr Wing is to have him read Beyond Misinformation so he could decide whether or not he would give it to the Nobel Laureate in Chemistry who also teaches at UNC Chapel Hill. Prof Aziz Sancar is from Turkey and even recently made a comment in public about western invasion of the Middle East. If he reads Beyond Misinformation and is impressed, he could quietly reach out to other chemists or other Nobel Laureates.  I once spoke to Prof Lynn Margulis's brother in law who was a Nobel Laureate in Physics from BU, but he refused to dialog. Dr Eastman and I once approached Nobel laureate in Physics Bill Phillips, who came from a research group at MIT that included one of my best friends, but he works for NIST and was in denial.  Dr Dave Diamond got a degree from UNC Chapel Hill and he could reach out to other alums to test their interest in case Dr Wing does not respond, but two years ago Kelly squashed Bill Jacoby's  request to organize around alumni groups. She would not allow such discussion. 

 Another approach to getting out Beyond Misinformation  I already proposed to Richard was to ask Jan Utzon the  Dutch architect and son of the architect of the Sydney Opera House to mail out copies to all the winners of the Pritzger prize, the top architecture prize in the world, which I was surprised Richard said he had never heard of. If the return address is Utzon, there is a good chance the Pritzger winners would open it because Jan Utzon's dad won that prize once. Also, because many Pritzger award winners  are not beset with American exceptionalism, this is certainly worth our time and effort. Richard on the phone advised me to work with Andy Steele because he is interested in outreach to scientists, but the next night Richard told me that Andy refused to talk to me and Richard blamed me for that, but would not explain. I once wrote Andy after he said he didn't care what Noam Chomsky thought. I had responded that there is a difference between thinking one need not change ones opinion about 9/11 because Chomsky is a left gatekeeper, and not caring about reaching his admirers. Many libertarians would just as soon that all truther liberals go away and many truther liberals would like all libertarian truthers to go away. We need both groups of supporters and shooing away half our supporters is unwise. He may hate me for that. I maintain that principled activists work things out with allies whom they differ with.  I twice called into C-span for Andy and even sent the  link to Richard's interview to  the DHS staffer I met at the MIT Club of DC.    That staffer even thanked me back. 

I leafletted the EPA, Dept of Commerce and the NOAA for Sought  the right from Dane Wigington to organize cable access, I got that right but not enough support. Dane is more of a micromanager than Richard. Just as nice a person, too. We need leafletting in Ohio right now.

Leafleted at ASCE convention in Phoenix, AZ on ethics issues on 2/14-17.  Met  at least 2 professors who agreed with us. Met a person worked on the NIST report who was open. Almost everyone was civil( no pun intended). Met a teacher at Northwestern who said Bazant was mean to his students.

Went to a small ASCE conference in Orlando and waited til a social event was just winding down to leaflet a few dozen of the civil engineers. 

Went on Kevin Barrett’s show to explain the absurdity of AE  not allowing trusted organizers to receive lists of petition signers to organize from. The only reason these people who have been around AE for years can’t be trusted is all of a sudden they are defined as TAP, but not AE.  Anyone with the slightest common sense knows that email is for blasts and follow up but the phone is to establish a working relationship.  When I was allowed to call AE petition signers a few days after they signed, for months I got 5 new people a week to attend the Thursday conference call.

 A webmaster who had been bounced from the AE web team contacted me after listening to the show and along with David Cole and Tony Szamboti built the following three websites: ( not finished)

 Bazant is the foremost academic supporting the OCT, who came out with his first paper on 9/13/01.  I leafleted at Northwestern U where he teaches in April of 2016 and gave out 1000 business  cards in 4 days with the line “disagreement over Newton’s third law.” That will also be the line we will use to give out business cards for at other colleges. I’ll call the hundreds of truth movement folks I know to agree to leaflet at least one day at a college this coming year. The website will encourage students to see what their teachers say about Newton’s third and 9/11. came out of my visit to Atlanta last year when I visited the King Center there to find there was no mention of the Memphis 99 trial. I called the center about 20 times before I did get a call back when I was outside in noisy NYC and could barely hear. The staffer did say the decision was the family’s, not the Park Service. I visited the center in Atlanta on thanksgiving day weekend dressed in a coat and tie.  I had a leaflet that I did not hand out. I asked the security if I could speak to  someone who  has the arrest power. The Park Police came. I gave them the only leaflet I gave out that day and only because they asked. They gave me warning that if I came on center property again I would be arrested for trespass and serve up to a year.  I decided that I should call my friends around the country I would ask them to get a banner and hold it outside MLK dinners every January.  If the family is too harassed, then other supporters of MLK’s legacy will have to do the honors. The reason this is relevant to truth movement folks is  too many people say,” I don’t believe the government can be that evil.”

 contact me:
